adv. 很重地, 严重地, 难以忍受地
r. to a considerable degree
r. in a heavy-footed manner
r. with great force
r. in a manner designed for heavy duty
1. But I do say that the bulk of the interpretation of whether this thing is going to end successfully and joyously, or is going to end disastrously, lays very heavily with the white community, it lays very heavily with the profiteers, it lays very heavily with the vested interests.
但我确实觉得如何解读 这件事的走向 是圆满结束 还是结局悲惨 很大一部分取决于白人群体 很大一部分取决于投机商人们 很大一部分取决于既得利益者
2. I have to warn you, he's heavily medicated.
先说一句 他用了大量的药
3. We should assume he is heavily armed.
4. Most of them look heavily sedated, too.
5. He's heavily monitored, and has been for months.
他被高度监视着 已经有好几个月了
6. And then I found a file that is heavily encrypted.
7. I mean, I know how heavily that weighed on you.
8. There are at least a dozen of them, heavily armed.
至少有一打人 全副武装
9. This name is more heavily crossed out than the other ones.
10. But that elevator will be heavily guarded.