abbr. 情景喜剧(situation comedy)
n a humorous drama based on situations that might arise in day-to-day life
n a humorous television program based on situations that could arise in everyday life
1. You can go to work on your sitcom now.
2. Push things out like episodes of sitcoms.
像情景喜剧一样的 看一集忘一集
3. Donovan's been letting you watch those 90s sitcoms again, I see.
看来多诺万让你看了 90年代的情景喜剧
4. They had traditionally done all of these great reruns of classic sitcoms.
这个台多年来一直坚持 重播各种经典喜剧
5. Stamos, you're just a handsome guy who got lucky on a sitcom.
斯塔莫斯 你不过就是个帅哥 刚好演过一部好情景喜剧罢了
6. Well, he... he gets a sitcom, and he makes millions, ladies and gentlemen.
他居然出演了一部情景喜剧 他赚了几百万 女士们先生们
7. A guest spot on a sitcom, a commercial, whatever you can find.
情景喜剧的客串 广告 什么都行