a. caught or fixed
s. baffled
1. You're stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you.
2. So you're stuck with me, and I'm stuck with you.
现在就是你们和我 我和你们在一起
3. And, well, he's stuck, so I'm stuck.
他被困住 我就也被困住
4. More than being stuck with someone who feels stuck.
5. And if we had stuck to them, if we had stuck with each other, we could've gotten through this.
如果我们有坚守这些价值观 如果我们有互相团结 我们本来或许可以相安无事
6. I got stuck in this shit because you got me stuck in it.
我被困在这鬼地方 还不都是因为你
7. My hand's stuck together now, it's stuck.
我的手现在粘在一起了 粘起来了
8. Sure, I'll be stuck in 1999, but I'll be stuck here with the only ones who I really care about.
没错 我会被困在1999年 但是至少 身边都是我真正关心的人
9. He's not stuck in here, he's stuck in the same place in his life ever since that night.
他并不是困在这房子里了 他的生命在那一晚后 就止步不前了
10. Look, most of us either have our heads stuck in the sand or stuck up our own ass.
我们大部分人都一样 要么自恋狂 要么只会逃避问题