a. 更可取的, 更好的, 更合意的
s. more desirable than another
1. What do you prefer? I'd prefer to sit.
你喜欢怎样 我还是坐着吧
2. I'd prefer you don't die, but that's all it is, a preference.
我更希望你不死 但也仅仅是希望而已
3. I don't have a preference, but you said you'd prefer him to be darker.
我没有偏好 但你说你希望他肤色深一点
4. Well, some prefer a casual, seemingly innocuous approach to interrogation, others prefer to sell danger.
有些人审讯时喜欢用温和无害的方式 有些则更喜欢售卖危险
5. Like handshakes, house pets, and raw carrots, many things are preferable when not slippery, and the least preferable slippery thing is a slope, which is why I implore you to look away.
就像握手 家庭宠物 和生胡萝卜 很多东西还是不太滑的好 最不该太滑的 就是斜坡 所以我恳求你 别看了
6. I could come to you if you'd prefer.
要是你愿意的话 我可以来找你
7. I preferred to remember her as she was.
8. I prefer to be with myself than others.
比起和别人 我更愿意自己呆着
9. I prefer to be by myself, if that's okay.
我想一个人待着 如果可以的话
10. And I have to say, I prefer that, too.
不得不说 我也更喜欢这样