n. 上海, 浦东鸡
a. 上海的, 上海时行的, 上海风格的
vt. 拐骗, 胁迫
n. the largest city of China; located in the east on the Pacific; one of the largest ports in the world
v. take (someone) against his will for compulsory service, especially on board a ship
1. I can't believe my mother Shanghaied the birth of my child.
2. We were answering your distress call when that slobbering sofa over there Shanghaied us.
我们收到了你们的求酒信号 那只流口水的沙皮狗就把我们拐到了这里
3. Yeah, I just got Shanghaied onto the day shift.
没事 只是被拉来上白班
4. Shanghai to the mainland with inventory clearance at a low volume port of entry.
从上海到美国本土 在一个贸易量低的入境口岸进行货物清关
5. Biphenotypic appearance... It's like something Shanghaied his cellular machinery and is creating something totally different.
双表型特征 这就像是有什么东西 劫持了他的细胞结构 并正在制造完全不同的东西
6. Yeah, except I'm the guy in the next state who got Shanghaied, and your sons are the ones that took the drive.
对 但我是被骗去参军 你儿子们是咎由自取