n. 水合物, 水化合物, 氢氧化物
vt. 使成水化合物
n. any compound that contains water of crystallization
v. supply water or liquid to in order to maintain a healthy balance
v. become hydrated and combine with water
1. If you're not resting, you should at least be hydrating.
如果你不想休息的话 至少该补补水
2. No, it's more like hydrating our new beginnings.
没有 更像是给我们的重新启程保湿
3. We kept him hydrated, made him comfortable.
我們持續為他補水 讓他保持舒適
4. Then drink some water and hydrate and pee on this.
那就补充点水分 然后再试一次
5. hydrate with saline. I don't want to go.
用生理盐水补水 我不想死
6. ...and hydrate her with a 300cc bolus of saline.
7. Now that she's hydrated, I heard rales.
现在我觉得她是肺水肿 我听见水泡声了
8. You can have the hydration vessel...here, take it.
我的运动水壶可以给你 拿去
9. I want to stay hydrated for tomorrow's matinee.
10. Hydrating on a stakeout is a doubleedged sword anyway.