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[医] 花; 升华制成的药物; 月经

n a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms
n reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts
n the period of greatest prosperity or productivity
v produce or yield flowers


1. It's gotta be candle, flower, candle, flower, candle, flower.

得擺成蠟燭 花 蠟燭 花這樣

2. Do not call me a flower. I am not a flower.

不许说我是娇花 我才不是花

3. Every flower I elled was my last flower.

每嗅的一朵花 都是我的最后一朵

4. It's a dried flower, you could say, almost, before it blooms into a flower.

这是风干的花瓣 它们还没绽放

5. Then we need flowers for the coffin and flowers for the altar, but no lilies.

还需要棺材上的花 还有祭坛旁的花 不过不要百合花

6. He helped me pick flowers for my flower girl basket.

他帮我采花 放进花篮里

7. flowers flowering to get pollinated, all fish growing.

植物纷纷开花准备授粉 小鱼开始长大

8. But if I hand you a thousand flowers, you will suffocate to death under the weight of all those flowers.

但如果我给你成千上万的花 你就会被那么多的花压得窒息

9. And I need a ride to my flower show, because I have to hold my beautiful flower entry.

我要你送我去花展 因为我得保护好我美丽的花

10. You should be playing the field, just like a bumblebee going from flower to flower.

你应该驰骋情场 就像大黄蜂见花就采一样



名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

