n. 困境, (进退两难的)窘境
n. state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
1. But I do have sympathy for your dilemma.
不過 對你深陷的困境我表示同情
2. The dilemma you are currently in is why.
3. I have no idea why that was such a dilemma.
4. That does not alter our present dilemma.
5. I presented you with an impossible dilemma.
6. So he's recreating his own moral dilemma.
7. it's a real dilemma, I'm telling you what to do.
并不是两难 我告诉了你该怎么做
8. What's your dilemma? I'm not entirely sure.
你遇到什么难题 我不太确定
9. I wish it was just an ethical dilemma, but it's not.
我也希望这只是道德问题 但这不是
10. So, I was wondering what you might say about her dilemma.
所以 我在想你会怎么看她的困境