a. 永久的, 持久的, 不变的
s. unceasing
1. If so, it's not about to abide any witnesses.
如果是这样 它肯定不想留下目击者
2. It's about a tyrant we can't abide by.
3. Which is why we can't abide snafus like this.
4. I don't make the rules, but I do abide by them.
规则不是我定的 但我得遵守
5. abide with you in your going out and in your coming in.
与你同在 无论出入 皆保佑着你
6. And when you started to outshine him, he couldn't abide it.
当你开始比他出色的时候 他接受不了
7. I abided by the letter of your ruling.
8. My true and abiding love is for you.
我真心 永恒的爱 是你
9. What I cannot abide is a waste of resources.
10. Not sure how much more I could abide.