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音标: 英 [ˈhelθɪ] 美 [ˈhɛlθɪ]

a. 健康的, 有益健康的, 卫生的
[医] 健康的

a. having or indicating good health in body or mind; free from infirmity or disease
s. financially secure and functioning well
s. promoting health; healthful
s. exercising or showing good judgment


1. At least it was a healthy end to a healthy relationship.

至少这是一段健康的感情 有个健康的结尾

2. healthy food is necessary to cure and maintain a healthy body.

医食同源的意思是 医疗和饮食对于健康而言都是必要的

3. If you've got good, healthy alligator populations here, then you've got a good, healthy system.

如果这里的鳄群很健康 那么这里的生态系统也是健康的

4. After screening we are left as you see with two healthy boys and two very healthy girls.

在筛选过后 我们还剩下 两个健康的男孩和两个十分健康的女孩

5. This is actually healthy like, emotionally healthy, and that's not a phrase I ever thought I'd use to describe you.

这其实很健康 对情绪健康 我从没想过我会用这个词来形容你

6. Take a piece of someone's healthy liver, transplant it, and it will grow inside of you, into a healthy liver.

从健康供者体内取一小块肝脏 移植给你 它会在你体内生长为健康肝脏

7. The colour coding is that if they're in the green they're healthy, but if they're in the orange, that means you're 110 times above the upper limit for healthy.

颜色标记指的是 如果变量是绿色的 说明很健康 但如果是橘色的 则说明你已经超出了健康上限的一至十倍

8. I wanna give you another $10,000 to cover all your expenses for health insurance, so your baby's healthy, so you're healthy.

我要再给你一万块 支付你所有的医疗保险费 这样就能保证你和宝宝的健康

9. What we want to do is determine if there's a healthy population, a viable population of elephants in this part of the range, because if there is, there's a very good chance that the forest is healthy north of here and that it will also support additional herds of elephant, so we could be looking at an extensive range that has a large population of elephants along most of its length.

我们要确认这个区域内 是否存在健康的 在繁殖的亚洲象种群 因为如果一旦存在 那么这里以北的森林 很有可能是健康的 也可以为其他象群提供生存条件 因此摆在我们眼前的 是这整片森林内 都应该生活着大量亚洲象

10. This is not a healthy place for you.




名师教学: 语文 英语 其它


新版教材: 语文 英语 其它

