n. 说话老实, 老实, 诚实
n. unwillingness to tell lies
1. Beth's stigmati has no bearing on her veracity.
2. I'm afraid we can't confirm the veracity of that document.
3. You can't judge his veracity without meeting him.
4. Well, angels ain't known for their veracity.
5. has any veracity, corroboration, or foothold in the evidence presented at this trial.
并非事实 没有根据 而在审讯中呈上的证据也没有说服力
6. I won't have you disputing the veracity of autopsy reports issued by my division.
我不能接受你对我部门出具的 验尸报告的准确性有所质疑
7. Okay, well, you might want to recheck the veracity.
好吧 也许你该重新检查数据的准确性
8. Then I presume your witness has made an affidavit and sworn its veracity before a magistrate.
那你说的这个证人在法官面前 已呈上附誓证词 发誓其所言非虚了吧
9. I will make it my personal mission to assure the veracity of these stories before broadcasting them.
我个人保证 会在确保这些故事的准确性后 再播报
10. You know, firstfirst off, the veracity and timing of those documents is entirely still in question.
首先 这些文件的真实性和时间线 都值得怀疑